Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Giant Octopus in the Room

As usual, I took a break from all things creative because I work full-time and created two small humans who require most of my other time.  And, as previously mentioned, I'm slowly getting back small bits of 'creative' time (read: time not spent cleaning up poop, throwing away poop, or discouraging someone from eating poop).  True to our family style, I exhibit the 'go big or go home' tendency often.  This round hit me about a month or two ago, and a light bulb went off one day while I was feeling frustrated with and about time.  The giant octopus in the room was that being creative and having time to myself makes me happy and fun.  No one wants to tell you that you aren't fun, and I don't think that anyone but me really noticed, but at least in the room that is my thoughts, the giant octopus was the obvious fact that more fun has been necessary for a while.  Not family fun, I love spending time with our rag-tag bunch, but self-fun.

So I started doing fun things.  I bought a 3D printer (!!!YES!!), started substituting TED talks for the morning news a few days out of the week, began blogging again, started a new blog (not for public consumption yet), am still working on my book (it's actually in a Word document now), got all my photography up to date on Flickr (a few photos have been used under Creative Commons license on other websites), booked a family vacation at a horse farm, started getting more massages, started running again, and let the house be dirty, the laundry unfolded, the to-do list unfinished...because guess what?  Sometimes you just need to have FUN!

What do you do that is fun for YOU?  

Also, next time I will write in more detail about some of these fun things.  For now, this is all I could muster with the few minutes of energy I have left after Thumper and Flipper have gone to bed and the house is quiet.    

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