Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Waiting Game..or 'Just In Time' Traveling?

Thumper and I (Legs) went to the library tonight and the first book he picked was so incredibly appropriate, I just had to blog and write my own version.

Oh The Places You'll Go
Dr. Seuss

"You can get so confused
that you'll start in to race
down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace
and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space,
headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.
The Waiting Place...

...for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come, or a plane to go
or the mail to come, or the rain to go
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
or waiting around for a Yes or a No
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.

Waiting for the fish to bite
or waiting for wind to fly a kite
or waiting around for Friday night
or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake
or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.
Everyone is just waiting."

We have done more waiting in the last three months than I can remember doing in the last few years! After hours and hours of time spent getting things "in order," we still find ourselves waiting for things out of our control. On the eve of our supposed departure. So, I add this, Dr. Seuss:

Waiting for diplomatic visas to be done
Or a UPS plane to come
Or a delivery truck to load
Or the icy cold snow to be cleared from the road
Or housing to go through
Or to finally stop moving to a place that is new.
We are just waiting.

The few boxes we have are packed but we don't have our passports--they are en route from DC with our diplomatic visas. UPS overnight to arrive tomorrow, customer pick-up so we can get them quicker. Our housing can't be reserved until we have our visas in hand. Brother in-law is ready to help us move but only has the weekend. Post will change the reservation to Monday if the visas aren't here by noon tomorrow, but then we will have to leave all our things behind until someone can help. Maybe I can still fit the one pair of heels I found at Fred Meyer just today (from a selection of eight size nine women's shoes) in our car next to the two suits I bought the day we drove two hours to a mall only to have the trip cut short by the need to complete more *urgent* paperwork. Thanks to a Kinkos' printer and the copy shop's scanner.

So, if the winter storms across the nation don't affect the arrival of our visas, if post can change our housing to take us Friday or Saturday, and if there are no problems between, then we are moving tomorrow morning. But we are tired of waiting and wandering and I can't put my clothes in my suitcase yet for the sole reason that I like how it feels to have them hung in a closet and not knowing if we are leaving tomorrow, or next week, or never, makes me only a little crazy.

This is my rant. I hope to write from Vancouver tomorrow. And will eat more cookies and stare at my closet of clothes hanging nicely in hangers if our passports don't come.

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